Hanna Friedlander joined the Project Recover team in 2022. After her mission with Project Recover in March 2023, she graciously offered to take the time to share with us her experience and thoughts around her first mission. Please note that we purposefully cannot publicly share details about this open case via report or photos. This is out of respect for the family of our MIA and our partnership with DPAA. This was a dream, something I had yearned to do since I began my career as an aspiring anthropologist while pursuing my undergraduate. This dream continued through my years as a Masters student and into my professional life. I had a burning desire to work with an organization that wholeheartedly …
Finding the Arnett B-24 and the Repatriation of 8 MIAs
Project Recover located the Arnett B-24, tail number ‘453, in January 2004 after ten years of searching. The find led to the repatriation of all eight crew members.
Search for Missing WWII UDT Members in Palau
Project Recover went on a mission to Palau to search for missing WWII UDT members and other WWII POW/MIAs in November 2019. They had three goals.
Project Recover Attends Ceremony For Battle of Peleliu 75th Anniversary
Project Recover participated in a ceremony for the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Peleliu. Cleared Ground Demining hosted the ceremony.
The Search For MIAs: Execution of WWII POWs and Innocents in Palau
July 2018 Project Recover spent three weeks searching for the remains from the execution of WWII POWs and innocents in Palau in July 2018. It was a land-based mission with two points of focus: Police Hill and Aimeliik. Pat Scannon, M.D., Ph.D., and founder of The BentProp Project, led the mission. Dan O’Brien, a 20 year veteran of BentProp, co-led the mission. The rest of the volunteer team was Jolie Liston, Ph.D. (archaeologist), Dave Bavencoff (police officer), Sarah Johnson (college sophomore), Glenn Frano (geospatial technician), and Joe Maldangesang, a State Conservation Officer and 20+ year veteran of BentProp, who served the mission as jungle guide and skipper We had key support from within Palau: Richard Madrekevet, an unexploded ordnance specialist, …
The Solomons MIA Search Mission – What Happened
Find out what happened and how the Solomons MIA search mission went on this final article of the the teams experience in the Solomon Islands.
Scuba Diving MIA Crash Sites
Follow the team on the latest adventure scuba diving MIA crash sites deep in the South Pacific and get the inside look on what and how the teams locate MIAs
Team Heads Out to Find Solomon Islands MIAs
Follow the team on their mission to the Solomon islands to find Solomon islands MIAs through this first post about the team, the mission and getting there.