Project Recover Announces New Mission: Locate US Air Force B-52 and Aircrew Gone Missing Offshore Texas Coast in 1968

Christian MalerbaFamilies, MIA Searches, News 2 Comments

“Rog 88” was the pilot’s abbreviated, almost casual response to the duty controller’s request for a radio check. On hearing that standard radio-communications exchange over the intercom of his remote radar bomb scoring (RBS) site on the Texas shoreline, the young radar operator broke lock on the massive B-52 bomber he’d been tracking and repositioned the antenna atop his trailer 140° to the left. Satisfied the pencil beam of his radar was trained on the bomb run “front door” 70 miles away to the northeast, he left his trailer for a ten-minute break before MEAL 88 would return through that imaginary point in space at 800 feet above the water and 350 knots indicated airspeed for the aircrew’s third and …

Remembering Our Heroes: 2nd Lt. Arthur J. Schumacher, USAAF

Michelle AbbeyMIAs 1 Comment

Guest post by Lynne Hasselman Behind every name engraved on one of our national cemetery’s Tablets of the Missing is an indelible story etched on the hearts of their loved ones. Despite the passage of time, these American heroes live on in faded black and white photographs, yellowed letters home, and faded telegrams marked with tears. Out of 81,500 American service members missing in action (MIA), 72,000 were from World War II. Their lives were marked by war, but it didn’t define them. They lived with color, vitality, and courage, and they had hopes and dreams still waiting to be realized. First and foremost, they were someone’s beloved husband, father, child, sibling, or friend. As part of an ongoing effort, …

DPAA Accounts for LT Jay R. Manown, Jr.

Michelle AbbeyMIAs, News, Repatriations 1 Comment

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) announced that, in partnership with Project Recover and other experts in the field, they accounted for LT Jay R. Manown, Jr. LT Manown was a TBM-1c Avenger pilot who, until this announcement, was Missing in Action. Project Recover located the downed Avenger in Palauan waters in 2015.  The Avenger took off from the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier on September 10, 1944. The crew was part of Torpedo Squadron 20 (VT-20), which was on a bombing mission targeting antiaircraft positions and transport ships on and near Malakal Harbor in Palau. The USS Enterprise and 15 other aircraft carriers were in the area. They were all part of Task Force 38. Together, they were conducting strikes …

DPAA Accounts for ARM1c Wilbur A. Mitts

Lauren TrecostaMIAs, News, Repatriations 4 Comments

The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) announced that, in partnership with Project Recover and other experts in the field, they accounted for ARM1c Wilbur A. Mitts. ARM1c Mitts was a radioman on a TBM-1c Avenger who, until this announcement, was Missing in Action from World War II. Project Recover located and documented Mitts’ downed Avenger in Palauan waters in 2015. In partnership with DPAA, Project Recover recovered MIAs from the Avenger during our first MIA Recovery Mission in 2021. The Avenger took off from the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier on September 10, 1944. The crew was a part of Torpedo Squadron 20 (VT-20). The Squadron was on a bombing mission targeting antiaircraft positions and transport ships on and near Malakal …

We will remember them

We Will Remember Them

Lauren TrecostaMIAs, Mission Reflections, Team 2 Comments

More than 20 years ago, Pat Scannon was reading a book late at night on World War in the Pacific. On the last page of the book, the author included a quote from “For the Fallen” by Laurence Binyon.

Major. Paul A. Avolese Repatriated Feature Image

MAJ Paul A. Avolese Repatriated

Lauren TrecostaMIAs Accounted For, News, PR Repatriated MIA Leave a Comment

MAJ Paul A. Avolese was accounted for by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. Project Recover located his downed B-52 in 2020 and is honored to play a vital role in his repatriation. Project Recover humbly acknowledges MAJ Avolese’s service and sacrifice, as well as the enduring loss to his family. We are grateful and honored to play a vital role in bringing him home. The repatriation of Major Avolese and our MIAs helps resolve generational grief and awaken us to gratitude, hope, love, and unity. This is the legacy of our MIAs and their final mission. Keeping America’s Promise to bring our MIAs home is a mission for every American. MAJ Paul A. Avolese MAJ Paul A. Avolese, 35, was …