Thomas Daggett gave to Project Recover in honor of Capt. Norman S. Ives

Capt. Norman S. Ives


January 22, 2020


Thomas Daggett gave to Project Recover in honor of his wife’s grandfather, Capt. Norman S. Ives.

I gave to Project Recover because, although Captain Ives’ body was recovered 7 days after he was killed in Normandy in 1944, many other Americans remain missing and unaccounted for.   My small donation to Project Recover may help the team find and bring home other heroes who have sacrificed in defense of our country.

About Capt. Norman S. Ives

Captain Norman S. Ives was killed in an ambush on August 2, 1944, outside of the town of Dol-de-Bretagne in Normandy.  The French citizens from Dol contacted the Daggett’s to let them know they had erected a roadside monument in honor of the men who were killed there in World War II. Thomas and Barbara attended a ceremony there on Jun 6, 2016, on the 72nd anniversary of D-Day.

“I have to say that the French people in Normandy have never forgotten our fallen,” Thomas Dagget said.

The Daggett’s submitted the following photos of the monument and Capt Norman S. Ive’s granddaughter, Barbara. One of the photos shows the gentleman responsible for erecting the monument. He is also an American GI re-enactor.

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It is a privilege for us to showcase people who have served in World War II. If you would like to spotlight a loved one, please make a donation of any size here and watch for our follow-up email. Spotlighting your loved one is our way of saying thank you.

We believe bringing our MIAs home is a mission for every American.

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  1. Time is Running out - Donate Today
  2. My Mothers oldest brother was one of the men killed in action that day. S1c William Grady Reid, USNR, Alabama. He and S1c Elrod were best friends, as they had gone through their training together.
    My family never knew the real story of how William was killed as they were given conflicting stories by the Navy. My sister and I were able to uncover the facts after she obtained William’s records in 2019, as well as the link to the story written in American Legion Magazine (June 1960). No one connected the story before because my uncle’s last name was misspelled in the article. We were able to match William’s records with all the dates and unit assignments so are completely confident that were able to share the true story with William’s surviving siblings and our family.
    William’s widow re-married after the war, an passed away August 2, 2006.
    I was pleased to see that Captain Ives granddaughter was able to visit Dol. I have seen the memorials on Facebook and think they are respectful of the men they memorialize.
    My greatest respects to the Ives family.
    Richard L. Hill