Navy Aviation Chief Ordnanceman Otis E. Ingram, a WWII gunner, killed in 1944, has been accounted for by the DPAA. ACOM Ingram was a turret gunner aboard a TBM-1c Avenger and a member of the U.S. Navy Torpedo Squadron Fifty One (VT-51). Project Recover located that Avenger in 2016 and turned its findings over to the DPAA.
Ingram and his crewmates were on a mission to bomb a Japanese base in Malakal Harbor, Palau. His aircraft took off from the USS San Jacinto on July 27th, 1944, and was in the lead position of four Avengers. According to reports, the aircraft was last seen three to five miles ahead. It was believed to have been spotted on fire in Malakal Harbor.
ACOM Otis E. Ingram was listed as Missing in Action along with his crewmates. In 1946, Ingram was presumed dead.
In February 2018, the DPAA conducted an underwater recovery. At this time, they have identified the remains of Otis E. Ingram and one of his crewmates.
Read the whole story here: Otis E. Ingram Accounted for by DPAA
Project Recover is honored to support our MIAs and their families.
Read other posts about MIAs Project Recover has helped DPAA Account For:
- June 2018 –Walter E. Mintus, WWII Radioman, Accounted For By DPAA
- August 2017 – Former WWII MIAs Rybarczyk and Sharninghouse Accounted for by DPAA
- June 2017 – F6F Hellcat Discovery Leads to DPAA Accounting For MIA WWII Pilot Punnell
Have you found Douglas smith army air corps ww2 flying from Africa. Shot down in the medertarrain. He has a marker in Italian cemetery. From Santa quin utah.
Hello Shannon, do you have any other information on Douglas Smith’s loss? We will reach out to you via your email.
Blue Skies,
What kind of info do you need to start a search for a MIA soldier? My mother’s first husband went down in Kiel Bay, off Germany & was never recovered. Thanks for your wonderful efforts!
Hello, please refer to these links and get in touch with us at media@ProjectRecover.org
Have u found my brother, Russell M Harmon.
Thank you for contacting Project Recover. On behalf of all Project Recover members, we express our sympathies and gratitude as Americans for the ongoing loss of your brother Russel Harmon. We gratefully acknowledge his sacrifice in defense of our country, as well as the consequent sacrifices made by you and your family to this day.
If you would, please send us any additional information you may have so that we can enter this case into our growing database.
You can expect contact by our historian, Colin, in the near future to the email you provided.
We are a small organization with resources that limit the number of our active searches for Americans Missing in Action. However, we strive to track all MIA losses and continually reevaluate the available information on each case to determine which cases we pursue in the field.
We have two articles on our website that include steps you can take to learn what is known about your family’s missing relative as well as provide your own information to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA).
● How To Research Your Family’s MIA includes the first three steps you can take to get started. It includes DPAA resources, family meetings, and casualty office phone numbers.
○ Click here: https://www.projectrecover.org/research-your-familys-mia/
● Finding Heaven Can Wait; Kelly Family Shares MIA Research – The Kelly Family Shares Research reveals the steps the Kelly Family Research team took to research the possible location of the downed B-24, Heaven Can Wait. After five years of research, they turned their findings over to Project Recover which located the B-24 in October 2017.
○ Click here: https://www.projectrecover.org/family-shares-mia-research/
You may also consider:
● Searching the online cemetery database http://www.abmc.gov/
● Searching for an association related to his unit that may have after-action or monthly reports already posted online.
● Searching the records of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in College Park, Maryland or the Air Force Historical Research Agency in Montgomery, Alabama, for such things as after-action reports and unit histories. Other family members around the country may be able to help with this project if they live in those areas.
These steps may not provide all you would like to know, but they may start you on the path of at least a better understanding. If we can help answer questions along the way, let us know.
He was a bomber deer I think his plane went down around Borneo. South Pacific