The Science Behind the Search Article

The Science Behind the Search for MIAs

Lauren TrecostaAbout 4 Comments

An Interview with Mark Moline, Ph.D. Innovative science revolutionized Project Recover’s ability to find American MIAs and help bring them home. Project Recover partners and co-founders Mark Moline, Ph.D., Director of University of Delaware’s School of Marine Science and Policy, and Eric Terrill, Ph.D., Director of Coastal Observing Research and Development Center at Scripps Institution of Oceanography spearhead the science behind the search for MIAs.  For Mark Moline, the search for MIAs adds a human connection to his work as an oceanographer that makes it even more enticing than making a scientific discovery alone.  “Meeting the families, watching whole towns show up in the bitter cold to celebrate the young life of someone they didn’t know personally but know they …

Bentprop Mission 17 Palau

PMAN XVII – Project Recover Locates Avenger In Palau

Lauren TrecostaNews, WWII Finds Leave a Comment

Project Recover Locates Avenger Found In Palau.   Plane wreckage thought to be HellDiver aircraft reveals itself to be an Avenger while local Palau students build their own ROV’s. A joint mission between, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), University of Delaware (UDEL), San Diego State University, Stockbridge High School and Pursuit Productions. Team members: Pat Scannon, Dan O’Brien, Jennifer Powers, Val Slocum, Derek Abbey, Mickaila Johnston, Blake Bottler, Flip Colmer P-MAN stands for Palau – Marine, Army Air Force, Navy. XVII means this is the seventeenth expedition since we started numbering them (in 1999) To keep up with the BentProp Project and Team Project Recover, please sign up for our newsletter below. Make sure to Check out Project Recover’s …