Branding Guidelines
This is a friendly legal reminder that these graphics are proprietary and protected under intellectual property laws. We must protect our reputation and brand identity. So we ask that you follow these Brand Guidelines, which are intended to promote consistent use of our Brand Assets. This makes it easier for people to instantly recognize references to Project Recover and prevents confusion while protecting intellectual property.
Project Recover changed its logo in 2020. This new logo now reflects the brand that is Project Recover.To learn more about the symbolism of the Project Recover Logo, read Project Recover Adds New Logo for 2020
Before grabbing a Project Recover logo, please be sure to follow our basic rules:
If you have any questions about logo usage, you can reach us at
Please Do
Use our Brand Assets to refer to Project Recover, our stories.
Write “Project Recover” as two words with the “P” and “R” capitalized.
Provide at least as much padding around the logo, the size of the round star, as what we’ve displayed below. This helps our logo appear clean and uncluttered.
Please Don't
Modify or alter these files in any way in shape, proportion, color, or orientation of the logos. Keep them only as they appear. No drop shadows, strokes, or other dimensional alterations.
Display or use these graphics and Brand Assets in a way that implies a relationship, affiliation, or endorsement by Project Recover of your product, service, or business.
Incorporate the Brand Assets, or anything confusingly similar, into your trademarks, domain names, logos or similar content. Or use these graphics as part of your own product, business, or service’s name.
Present the Project Recover Brand Assets in a way that makes them the most prominent or distinctive feature of what you’re creating.
Use the Brand Assets in merchandise or other products such as clothing, hats or mugs.
Assert rights over the Project Recover brand or Brand Assets, whether by domain name registration, trademark registration, or anything else.
Use trademarks, domain names, logos or other content that imitate or could be confused with Project Recover.



Project Recover Red
Pantone: 192 C
CMYK: 2 / 100 / 70 / 0
RGB: 232 / 26 / 71

Project Recover Blue
Pantone: 280 C
CMYK: 100 / 95 / 25 / 25
RGB: 35 / 41 / 100
Logos - Right Click Save